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Jin Wang


Hai Guo


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2017 Vol.18 No.6 P.413-429


A study of multi-pass scheduling methods for die-less spinning

Author(s):  Hai Guo, Jin Wang, Guo-dong Lu, Zi-han Sang, Qi-hang Wang

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China

Corresponding email(s):   dwjcom@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Die-less spinning, Pass schedules, Shape deviations, Roller path profiles, Deformation allocations

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Hai Guo, Jin Wang, Guo-dong Lu, Zi-han Sang, Qi-hang Wang. A study of multi-pass scheduling methods for die-less spinning[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2017, 18(6): 413-429.

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%T A study of multi-pass scheduling methods for die-less spinning
%A Hai Guo
%A Jin Wang
%A Guo-dong Lu
%A Zi-han Sang
%A Qi-hang Wang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 413-429
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Hai Guo
A1 - Jin Wang
A1 - Guo-dong Lu
A1 - Zi-han Sang
A1 - Qi-hang Wang
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1600403

The multi-pass scheduling method is a key issue in die-less spinning for determining the quality of the final products, including their shape deviations and wall thicknesses, and has drawn increasing interest in recent studies devoted to trying to improve the accuracy of the formed parts. In this paper, two main parameters, roller path profiles and deformation allocations in each pass, are considered in newly proposed multi-pass scheduling and optimizing methods in die-less spinning. Four processing methods with different roller path profiles and with three deformation allocation methods are proposed for investigating the influence of scheduling parameters on product qualities. The ‘similar geometry principle for restraining shape deviation’ and the ‘small curvature principle for maintaining wall thickness’ are presented for optimal design of roller path profiles; in addition, the ‘uniform allocation principle for maintaining wall thickness’ and the ‘large deformation principle for restraining shape deviation’ are brought forward as suggestions for deformation allocations. Based on these principles, a scheduling method denoted by RF+(FP & EHS) is presented to improve the comprehensive quality of a product of die-less spinning.

This manuscript mainly investigated the influence of the roller path profiles and deformation allocations in each pass on the shape deviation and wall thickness during die-less spinning. The "similar geometry principle for shape deviation restraining" and the "small curvature principle for wall thickness maintaining" have been presented for optimal design of roller path profiles; in addition, the "large deformation principle for shape deviation restraining" and the "uniform allocation principle for wall thickness maintaining " have been brought forward as suggestions for deformation allocations. Based on these principles, a scheduling method denoted by RF+ERS&FP was presented to improve the comprehensive quality of a die-less spinning product.


目 的:通过优化无芯模旋压轨迹提高成形件形状精度,同时保持壁厚以防止过度减薄。
结论:基于终道次优先的等平均径向应变道次轨迹(RF+(FP & EHS))规划方法,能够在有效抑制形状偏差和提高形状精度的同时较好地保持壁厚以防止过度减薄,是一种较优的道次轨迹规划方法。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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