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Gui-gang Tu


Chang-yu Cui


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2018 Vol.19 No.11 P.843-863


A structural morphogenesis method based on a linkage mechanism system

Author(s):  Gui-gang Tu, Chang-yu Cui, Guang-chun Zhou

Affiliation(s):  School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   cuichangyu1963@hit.edu.cn

Key Words:  Morphogenesis, Elements-grouped, Linkage mechanism, Length constraint, Self-adjustment of length

Gui-gang Tu, Chang-yu Cui, Guang-chun Zhou. A structural morphogenesis method based on a linkage mechanism system[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2018, 19(11): 843-863.

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%T A structural morphogenesis method based on a linkage mechanism system
%A Gui-gang Tu
%A Chang-yu Cui
%A Guang-chun Zhou
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%P 843-863
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A1 - Gui-gang Tu
A1 - Chang-yu Cui
A1 - Guang-chun Zhou
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This paper presents an elements-grouped morphogenesis method for the design of grid shells based on finding the linkage mechanism system shape that corresponds to the state of minimum potential energy. This method assigns the elements to several groups according to architectural design intentions and requirements to optimize a structural shape. A shape transformation equation is derived to constrain the total length of elements in each element group in the morphogenesis process and the generalized inverse matrix theory is then used to resolve the equation. The positions of nodes are, thus, progressively updated until the system reaches the minimum potential energy state. This method is characterized by the settings of element groups, temporary elements, and temporary forces. Finally, several numerical examples illustrate the characteristics and effectiveness of the proposed method.


创新点:1. 建立控制单元组长度的移形方程,并在移形方程的基础上推导基于联动机构势能最小化的结构形态创构方法. 2. 将分组方式应用于网壳结构形态创构,并通过改变分组形式获得不同的合理结构形状;临时单元与临时力的引入拓展了方法的适用范围,也为形态创构提供了新的途径.
方法:1. 将机构的单元进行分组,以单元组总长度不变作为条件建立机构移形方程;根据机构势能下降 最快的方向调整机构形状,使机构逐步达到势能最低. 2. 在同一初始模型中,通过改变临时单元、临时力以及单元组的设置来获得多种合理结构形状;通过多个数值算例说明该方法的特性. 3. 对该方法所生成的结构进行受力性能分析,验证所提方法的可行性和有效性.
结论:提出了一种适用于网壳结构的形态创构方法.该方法简单、灵活,可以通过调整临时单元、临时力以及单元组的设置,得出多种以轴力为主要传递荷载方式的合理结构形状. 可以为设计者在建筑方案设计阶段提供多种结构形状方案.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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