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Hongyan Ma


Zhen-yu Huang


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2020 Vol.21 No.11 P.892-907


Development of limestone calcined clay cement concrete in South China and its bond behavior with steel reinforcement

Author(s):  Zhen-yu Huang, You-shuo Huang, Wen-yu Liao, Ning-xu Han, Ying-wu Zhou, Feng Xing, Tong-bo Sui, Bin Wang, Hong-yan Ma

Affiliation(s):  Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Durability for Marine Civil Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   mahon@mst.edu

Key Words:  Limestone calcined clay cement (LC3), Hydration, Bond-slip, Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), Scanning electron microscope (SEM), Bond strength

Zhen-yu Huang, You-shuo Huang, Wen-yu Liao, Ning-xu Han, Ying-wu Zhou, Feng Xing, Tong-bo Sui, Bin Wang, Hong-yan Ma. Development of limestone calcined clay cement concrete in South China and its bond behavior with steel reinforcement[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2020, 21(11): 892-907.

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%T Development of limestone calcined clay cement concrete in South China and its bond behavior with steel reinforcement
%A Zhen-yu Huang
%A You-shuo Huang
%A Wen-yu Liao
%A Ning-xu Han
%A Ying-wu Zhou
%A Feng Xing
%A Tong-bo Sui
%A Bin Wang
%A Hong-yan Ma
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%D 2020
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Wen-yu Liao
A1 - Ning-xu Han
A1 - Ying-wu Zhou
A1 - Feng Xing
A1 - Tong-bo Sui
A1 - Bin Wang
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limestone calcined clay cement (LC3), consisting of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) clinker, calcined clay, limestone powder, and gypsum, has been considered a promising solution to current challenges in the cement and concrete industry, such as high carbon emissions, high energy consumption, and resource shortages. This study carries out a series of experimental investigations of LC3-based paste, mortar, and concrete, including microstructural analyses (e.g. hydration product characterization and pore structure analysis) and macro-scale testing (e.g. workability and mechanical properties), using raw materials from south China. The results show that, in LC3 paste, the replacement of clinker by calcined clay and limestone leads to an increased volume of small pores but decreased total volume of pores. The workability of LC3 mortar and concrete can be readily tailored using conventional superplasticizers. When designed for comparable 28-d compressive strength, the LC3 mortar and concrete tend to have lower early-age compressive strength, but comparable compressive strength and higher flexural strength than those of the OPC counterparts at late ages. This study also examines the bond-slip behavior between LC3 concrete and steel bars and finds that the bond strength is comparable to that of OPC concrete with the same 28-d compressive strength, but that the LC3 concrete-rebar interface exhibits higher bond-slip stiffness. These findings on LC3 concrete provide fundamental information and guidance for furthering the application of LC3 binder in structural concrete in the near future.


创新点:1. 鉴于目前对LC3水泥胶凝材料在混凝土技术和结构混凝土中的应用研究较少,本文对采用华南地区原材料制备的LC3混凝土进行了技术研究和应用分析;2. 试验结果发现,LC3混凝土的抗折和劈裂性能优于相同抗压强度的普通混凝土;3. 采用拔出试验研究LC3混凝土与钢筋之间的界面粘结-滑移行为,证明了新型LC3水泥胶凝材料在钢筋混凝土结构中的适用性.
方法:1. 开展一系列基于LC3水泥的净浆、砂浆和混凝土的实验研究,并使用原始材料进行微观结构分析(水化产物表征和孔结构分析)和宏观测试(工作性能和力学性能测试).2. 研究LC3混凝土与钢筋之间的粘结-滑移行为.
结论:1. 与普通混凝土(OPC)相比,钙矾石、单碳铝酸盐(MC)和半碳铝酸盐(HC)是LC3样品中的主要晶体水合产物;由于熟料减少50%,且LC3中发生的二次水化反应消耗了大量OPC熟料水化生成的氢氧化钙(CH),因此在LC3的水合产物中几乎没有残留六角形薄片CH.2. 与OPC砂浆和混凝土相比,LC3砂浆和混凝土的早期强度较低;由于在煅烧粘土中无定形二氧化硅和氧化铝(与石灰石结合)二次反应形成了更多的水化硅酸钙和碳铝酸钙水合物,LC3砂浆和混凝土的后期强度(7天后)迅速增加至与OPC砂浆和混凝土相当的强度水平.3. 在与OPC同类材料具有相同抗压强度的情况下,LC3水泥胶凝材料具有更高的抗折和劈裂强度,因此更有韧性.4. 对于LC3水泥胶凝材料,颗粒更细的石灰石不一定会带来更好的力学性能.5. 对于混凝土与钢筋之间的界面粘结-滑移行为,LC3的破坏模式与OPC大致相同,且通常有两种破坏模式,即钢筋从混凝土中拔出和混凝土劈裂破坏;在具有相同等级的抗压强度时,LC3混凝土的粘结强度与OPC混凝土相当,但其粘结-滑移刚度更大.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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