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Yaming TANG


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2023 Vol.24 No.7 P.584-595


Fractal analysis of small-micro pores and estimation of permeability of loess using mercury intrusion porosimetry

Author(s):  Tuo LU, Yaming TANG, Yongbo TIE, Bo HONG, Wei FENG

Affiliation(s):  Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   tangyaming@mail.cgs.gov.cn

Key Words:  Malan loess, Fractal models, Small-micro pores, Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), Microstructure, Saturated water permeability

Tuo LU, Yaming TANG, Yongbo TIE, Bo HONG, Wei FENG. Fractal analysis of small-micro pores and estimation of permeability of loess using mercury intrusion porosimetry[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2023, 24(7): 584-595.

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%T Fractal analysis of small-micro pores and estimation of permeability of loess using mercury intrusion porosimetry
%A Tuo LU
%A Yaming TANG
%A Yongbo TIE
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 584-595
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A1 - Tuo LU
A1 - Yaming TANG
A1 - Yongbo TIE
A1 - Bo HONG
A1 - Wei FENG
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Many popular models have been proposed to study the fractal properties of the pores of porous materials based on mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). However, most of these models do not directly apply to the small-micro pores of loess, which have a significant impact on the throat pores and tunnels for fluid flow. Therefore, in this study we used a combination of techniques, including routine physical examination, MIP analysis, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) image analysis, to study these small-micro pores and their saturated water permeability properties. The techniques were used to determine whether the fractal dimensions of six MIP fractal models could be used to evaluate the microstructure types and permeability properties of loess. The results showed that the Neimark model is suitable for analysis of small-micro pores. When applied to saturated water permeability, the results from this model satisfied the correlation significance test and were consistent with those from SEM analysis. A high clay content and density cause an increase in the number of small-micro pores, leading to more roughness and heterogeneity of the pore structure, and an increase in the fractal dimensions. This process further leads to a decrease in the content of macro-meso pores and saturated water permeability. Furthermore, we propose new parameters: the *Ellipse and its area ratios (*EAR). These parameters, coupled with 2D-SEM and 3D-MIP fractal dimensions, can effectively and quantitatively be used to evaluate the types of loess microstructures (from type I to type III) and the saturated water permeability (magnitude from 1×10-4 cm/s to 1×10-5 cm/s).




Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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