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Hao Qian


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2021 Vol.22 No.7 P.564-584


Very-large eddy simulation of the rotational effects on turbulent flow in a ribbed channel

Author(s):  Hao Qian, Tao Guo, Xing-si Han, Jun-kui Mao

Affiliation(s):  College of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   xshan@nuaa.edu.cn

Key Words:  Very-large eddy simulation (VLES), Rotation effect, Ribbed channel flow, Unsteady flow, Turbine blade

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Hao Qian, Tao Guo, Xing-si Han, Jun-kui Mao. Very-large eddy simulation of the rotational effects on turbulent flow in a ribbed channel[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2021, 22(7): 564-584.

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%T Very-large eddy simulation of the rotational effects on turbulent flow in a ribbed channel
%A Hao Qian
%A Tao Guo
%A Xing-si Han
%A Jun-kui Mao
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 564-584
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Tao Guo
A1 - Xing-si Han
A1 - Jun-kui Mao
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For the simplified model of the internal cooling passage in the turbine blade of an aero-engine, the present study applies a newly developed turbulence modeling method, very-large eddy simulation (VLES), for analyzing rotational effects on the characteristics of complex turbulent flow. For comparison, not only are the delayed detached eddy simulation (DDES) method (recognized as one of the most popular hybrid Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes–large eddy simulation (RANS-LES) methods) and the LES method used with the same numerical setup, but also three RANS turbulence models, including the k-ω shear stress transport (SST), standard k-ε, and Reynolds stress models, are applied to analyze the flow structure in the ribbed channel (whether rotating or stationary). Complex turbulent flows in a square ribbed channel at high Reynolds number of 100 000 in the stationary state and different rotational numbers (Ro) between 0.1 and 0.4 are simulated and analyzed in detail. The comparisons show that when compared with the experimental data the VLES method works best in both the stationary and rotating states. It can capture unsteady flow characteristics such as wall shear layer separation and the vortex structure resulting from the rib disturbance. The DDES method can only capture the larger-scale vortex structures, and its predictions of the time-averaged velocity differ considerably from experiments, especially in the stationary state. With a relatively coarse grid, satisfactory prediction cannot be achieved in either rotating or stationary state by the LES method with wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity (WALE) and dynamic Smagorinsky models. The three RANS models perform poorly in both the stationary and rotating states. The results demonstrate the advantages of the VLES method in analyzing the unsteady flow characteristics in the ribbed channel at high Reynolds numbers for both stationary and rotating conditions. On that basis, the study uses the VLES method to analyze the flow evolution under different rotational numbers, and the rotational effects on the fluid mechanisms are analyzed.


目的:1. 根据湍流理论,本文旨在发展出一种精度高、计算资源需求较小的湍流模型方法,即超大涡模拟方法(VLES),并将其应用于带肋叶片内部通道的复杂湍流流动计算;2. 分析旋转效应对湍流特性的影响,验证VLES方法在旋转条件下的计算可靠性,以期为涡轮叶片内部冷却设计提供参考依据.
创新点:1. 发展并验证了精度高、资源需求小的新型超大涡模拟方法VLES;2. 应用VLES研究旋转工况下的高雷诺数大分离流动,分析湍流演化特性,成功实现了对不同旋转状态下高雷诺数湍流结构的精确预测.
方法:1. 通过对比静止状态下带肋通道中湍流流场的计算值和实验值,验证VLES方法在高雷诺数湍流流动中的可靠性;2. 通过对比旋转状态下带肋通道中湍流流场的计算值和实验值,验证VLES方法在旋转状况下的可靠性;3. 应用VLES方法探究静止状态与旋转状态下分离流动结构的差异,分析流动演化规律和机制;4. 应用VLES方法探究不同旋转数下流动结构的变化,为工程实际应用提供支撑.
结论:1. 针对静止状态和旋转状态下Re=105的高雷诺数带肋通道湍流流动,VLES方法计算的不同位置的时均速度和脉动速度结果与实验数据非常吻合,表明在高雷诺数旋转状态下,VLES方法在带肋通道大分离流动计算中的准确性和可靠性较高.2. 与静止状态和旋转状态下带肋通道实验数据相比,延迟分离涡(DDES)方法预测的结果较为准确;但与VLES方法相比,DDES方法直接解析的湍流结构较少,即DDES方法只能捕捉较大的涡结构.3. 雷诺平均(RANS)方法中的k-ω剪切应力输运模型、标准k-ε模型和雷诺应力模型在预测静态平均流场方面具有一定的准确性,但所有RANS模型在旋转状态下的湍流预测结果与实验结果偏差较大,尤其是脉动速度预测;这表明在将RANS方法应用到旋转带肋通道的数值计算之前,需要仔细验证RANS方法.4. 旋转对带肋通道的流动结构有重要影响;主流区域移向压力侧,与压力侧剪切层混合,并产生较强的动量交换;旋转显著改变了肋后的分离、再附着区域的位置和长度;由旋转引起的二次流在通道内部引起了明显的反向对转漩涡结构.5. 随着旋转数的增加,旋转效应不断增强,主流速度随之增加,且吸力侧的分离区域显著增大.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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