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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2008 Vol.9 No.3 P.221-226


Natural water purification and water management by artificial groundwater recharge

Author(s):  Klaus-Dieter BALKE, Yan ZHU

Affiliation(s):  Institute for Geosciences, University of Tü more

Corresponding email(s):   klaus-dieter.balke@uni-tuebingen.de

Key Words:  Artificial groundwater recharge, Natural attenuation, Water management

Klaus-Dieter BALKE, Yan ZHU. Natural water purification and water management by artificial groundwater recharge[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2008, 9(3): 221-226.

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%A Yan ZHU
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Klaus-Dieter BALKE
A1 - Yan ZHU
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Worldwide, several regions suffer from water scarcity and contamination. The infiltration and subsurface storage of rain and river water can reduce water stress. artificial groundwater recharge, possibly combined with bank filtration, plant purification and/or the use of subsurface dams and artificial aquifers, is especially advantageous in areas where layers of gravel and sand exist below the earth’s surface. Artificial infiltration of surface water into the uppermost aquifer has qualitative and quantitative advantages. The contamination of infiltrated river water will be reduced by natural attenuation. Clay minerals, iron hydroxide and humic matter as well as microorganisms located in the subsurface have high decontamination capacities. By this, a final water treatment, if necessary, becomes much easier and cheaper. The quantitative effect concerns the seasonally changing river discharge that influences the possibility of water extraction for drinking water purposes. Such changes can be equalised by seasonally adapted infiltration/extraction of water in/out of the aquifer according to the river discharge and the water need. This method enables a continuous water supply over the whole year. Generally, artificially recharged groundwater is better protected against pollution than surface water, and the delimitation of water protection zones makes it even more save.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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