CLC number: S642.2
On-line Access: 2024-08-27
Received: 2023-10-17
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Yu-ying Zhao, Chun-lu Qian, Ji-cheng Chen, Yan Peng, Lin-chun Mao. Responses of phospholipase D and lipoxygenase to mechanical wounding in postharvest cucumber fruits[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2010, 11(6): 443-450.
@article{title="Responses of phospholipase D and lipoxygenase to mechanical wounding in postharvest cucumber fruits",
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journal="Journal of Zhejiang University Science B",
publisher="Zhejiang University Press & Springer",
%0 Journal Article
%T Responses of phospholipase D and lipoxygenase to mechanical wounding in postharvest cucumber fruits
%A Yu-ying Zhao
%A Chun-lu Qian
%A Ji-cheng Chen
%A Yan Peng
%A Lin-chun Mao
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
%V 11
%N 6
%P 443-450
%@ 1673-1581
%D 2010
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.B0900357
T1 - Responses of phospholipase D and lipoxygenase to mechanical wounding in postharvest cucumber fruits
A1 - Yu-ying Zhao
A1 - Chun-lu Qian
A1 - Ji-cheng Chen
A1 - Yan Peng
A1 - Lin-chun Mao
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science B
VL - 11
IS - 6
SP - 443
EP - 450
%@ 1673-1581
Y1 - 2010
PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
ER -
DOI - 10.1631/jzus.B0900357
Abstract: This study was to investigate the responses of phospholipase D (PLD) and lipoxygenase (LOX) to mechanical wounding in postharvest cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Biyu-2) fruits. Membrane-associated Ca2+ content, activities and gene expression of PLD and LOX, and contents of phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylinositol (PI), and phosphatidic acid (PA) were determined in cucumber fruits following mechanical wounding. Results show that PLD and LOX activities increased with the PLD and LOX mRNAs which are upregulated upon wounding, while membrane-associated Ca2+ content decreased. Accompanying with the increase of PLD and LOX activities, accumulation of PA and losses of PC and PI were observed in all fruits, but there were differences of degrees between wounded and control fruits. Results suggest that PLD and LOX might be the main hydrolytic enzymes of phospholipids in postharvest cucumber fruits participating in the mechanical wounding injury. The activation of PLD and LOX might be the result of gene expression, which could be stimulated by the Ca2+ flowing from the membrane to the cytoplasm upon receiving the wounding signals.
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