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Elena ROCA


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2023 Vol.24 No.4 P.326-335


An expandable chamber for safe brain retraction: new technologies in the field of transcranial endoscopic surgery

Author(s):  Elena ROCA, Anna GOBETTI, Giovanna CORNACCHIA, Oscar VIVALDI, Barbara BUFFOLI, Giorgio RAMORINO

Affiliation(s):  Head and Neck Department, Neurosurgery, Istituto Ospedaliero Fondazione Poliambulanza, 25124 Brescia, Italy; more

Corresponding email(s):   rocaelena@gmail.com

Key Words:  Brain retraction, Spatula, Brain retractor design, Brain retraction injury, Retraction complication, Transcranial endoscopic surgery

Elena ROCA, Anna GOBETTI, Giovanna CORNACCHIA, Oscar VIVALDI, Barbara BUFFOLI, Giorgio RAMORINO. An expandable chamber for safe brain retraction: new technologies in the field of transcranial endoscopic surgery[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2023, 24(4): 326-335.

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%T An expandable chamber for safe brain retraction: new technologies in the field of transcranial endoscopic surgery
%A Elena ROCA
%A Barbara BUFFOLI
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
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%P 326-335
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Elena ROCA
A1 - Giovanna CORNACCHIA
A1 - Oscar VIVALDI
A1 - Barbara BUFFOLI
A1 - Giorgio RAMORINO
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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Neurosurgery is a highly specialized field: it often involves surgical manipulation of noble structures and cerebral retraction is frequently necessary to reach deep-seated brain lesions. There are still no reliable methods preventing possible retraction complications. The objective of this study was to design work chambers well suited for transcranial endoscopic surgery while providing safe retraction of the surrounding brain tissue. The chamber is designed to be inserted close to the intracranial point of interest; once it is best placed it can be opened. This should guarantee an appreciable workspace similar to that of current neurosurgical procedures. The experimental aspect of this study involved the use of a force sensor to evaluate the pressures exerted on the brain tissue during the retraction phase. Following pterional craniotomy, pressure measurements were made during retraction with the use of a conventional metal spatula with different inclinations. Note that, although the force values necessary for retraction and exerted on the spatula by the neurosurgeon are the same, the local pressure exerted on the parenchyma at the edge of the spatula at different inclinations varied greatly. A new method of cerebral retraction using a chamber retractor (CR) has been designed to avoid any type of complication due to spatula edge overpressures and to maintain acceptable pressure values exerted on the parenchyma.


Elena ROCA1,2,Anna GOBETTI3,Giovanna CORNACCHIA4,Oscar VIVALDI1,Barbara BUFFOLI5,Giorgio RAMORINO3
1外科基金会脑外科头颈科,布雷西亚 25124,意大利
2布雷西亚大学卫生技术博士项目,布雷西亚 25124,意大利
3布雷西亚大学机械与工业工程系材料科学与技术,布雷西亚 25123,意大利
4布雷西亚大学机械与工业工程系冶金系,布雷西亚 25123,意大利
5布雷西亚大学临床与实验科学系解剖与病理生理科,布雷西亚 25123,意大利


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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