Deep search:Searching for "Feng LI" in 'AUTHORGot 68 items.
index Title
61Shape recovery properties and load-carrying capacity of a 4D printed thick-walled kirigami-inspired honeyc...
Author(s):Chengbin Yue, Wei Zhao, Fengfeng L...  Clicked:806  Download:674  Cited:0  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science  2005 Vol.6 No.2 P.189-203  DOI:10.1007/s42242-022-00230-2
62Controllability of Boolean control networks with multiple time delays in both states and controls
Author(s):Yifeng LI, Lan WANG  Clicked:1535  Download:2618  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 391
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2023 Vol.24 No.6 P.906-915  DOI:10.1631/FITEE.2200618
63Separation identification of a neural fuzzy Wiener–Hammerstein system using hybrid signals
Author(s):Feng LI, Hao YANG, Qingfeng CAO  Clicked:1292  Download:856  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 236
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2024 Vol.25 No.6 P.856-868  DOI:10.1631/FITEE.2300058
64COVID-19 and acute limb ischemia: latest hypotheses of pathophysiology and molecular mechanisms
Author(s):Chengjun YAO, Yanzhao DONG, Haiyin...  Clicked:842  Download:553  Cited:0  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B  1998 Vol.-1 No.-1 P.  DOI:10.1631/jzus.B2300512
65Estimation of Hammerstein nonlinear systems with noises using filtering and recursive approaches for indust...
Author(s):Mingguang ZHANG, Feng LI, Yang YU,...  Clicked:1181  Download:1237  Cited:0  <Full Text>  <PPT> 288
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2024 Vol.25 No.2 P.260-271  DOI:10.1631/FITEE.2300620
66Flexible, high-density, laminated ECoG electrode array for high spatiotemporal resolution foci diagnostic ...
Author(s):Yafeng Liu, Zhouheng Wang, Yang Ji...  Clicked:371  Download:237  Cited:0  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science  2006 Vol.7 No.4 P.388-398  DOI:10.1007/s42242-024-00278-2
67Soft, body conformable electronics for thermoregulation enabled by kirigami
Author(s):Lung Chow, Guangyao Zhao, Pengchen...  Clicked:285  Download:215  Cited:0  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science  2006 Vol.7 No.4 P.453-462  DOI:10.1007/s42242-024-00290-6
68Enhanced wear resistance, antibacterial performance, and biocompatibility using nanotubes containing nano-...
Author(s):Qingge Wang, Jia Liu, Hong Wu, Jin...  Clicked:182  Download:132  Cited:0  <Full Text>
Journal of Zhejiang University Science  2006 Vol.7 No.5 P.670-686  DOI:10.1007/s42242-024-00279-1
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