Current Issue: <JZUS-A>

Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering)

ISSNs 1673-565X (Print); 1862-1775 (Online); CN 33-1236/O4; started in 2000,Monthly.

JZUS-A is a peer-reviewed physical and engineering journal, indexed by SCI-E, Ei Compendex, INSPEC, CA, SA, JST, AJ, ZM, CABI, ZR, CSA, etc. It mainly covers research in Applied Physics, Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Environmental Science and Energy, Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, etc.

Impact factor: 0.408 (2011), 0.527 (2012), 0.608 (2013), 0.882 (2014), 0.941 (2015), 1.214 (2016), 1.215 (2017), 1.369 (2018).

Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

ISSN 1673-565X(Print), 1862-1775(Online), Monthly

<<<                         CONTENTS                         >>>

Congestion Control and Bandwidth Allocation

TCP-friendly source adaptation for multimedia applications over the Internet

Chen Cheng, Li Zheng-Guo, Soh Yeng-Chai

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0001 Downloaded: 2155 Clicked: 3264 Cited: 1 Commented: 0(p.1-6) <Full Text>

Quality incentive based congestion control for multimedia communication over IP networks

Johansen Stian, Kim Anna N., Perkis Andrew

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0007 Downloaded: 2238 Clicked: 4058 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.7-12) <Full Text>

A fast motion estimation algorithm for mobile communications

Chen Guo-Bin

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0013 Downloaded: 2140 Clicked: 3778 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.13-18) <Full Text>

Error Control, Resilience and Concealment

RTP-based broadcast streaming of high definition H.264/AVC video: an error robustness evaluation

Hillestad Odd Inge, Jetlund Ola, Perkis Andrew

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0019 Downloaded: 2269 Clicked: 3864 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.19-26) <Full Text>

Dependency-aware unequal erasure protection codes

Bouabdallah Amine, Lacan Jérôme

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0027 Downloaded: 2101 Clicked: 3008 Cited: 12 Commented: 0(p.27-33) <Full Text>

An error resilient scheme for H.264 video coding based on distortion estimated mode decision and nearest neighbor error concealment

Lee Tien-Hsu, Wang Jong-Tzy, Chen Jhih-Bin, Chang Pao-Chi

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0034 Downloaded: 2150 Clicked: 4489 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.34-40) <Full Text>

Content-adaptive robust error concealment for packet-lossy H.264 video streaming

Liao Ning, Yan Dan, Quan Zi-Yi, Men Ai-Dong

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0041 Downloaded: 2198 Clicked: 3692 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.41-47) <Full Text>

A channel distortion model for video over lossy packet networks

Cheng Jian-Xin, Gao Zhen-Ming, Zhang Zhi-Chao

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0048 Downloaded: 2142 Clicked: 3410 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.48-53) <Full Text>

Analysis and application of error concealment tools in AVS-M decoder

Yang Cheng, Shi Lei, Wu Xiao-Yang, Zhang Ci-Xun

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0054 Downloaded: 2254 Clicked: 3528 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.54-58) <Full Text>

Transcoding for Heterogeneous Networks

On constructing symmetrical reversible variable-length codes independent of the Huffman code

Huo Jun-Yan, Chang Yi-Lin, Ma Lin-Hua, Luo Zhong

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0059 Downloaded: 2066 Clicked: 3457 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.59-62) <Full Text>

Dynamic multimedia stream adaptation and rate control for heterogeneous networks

Szwabe Andrzej, Schorr Andreas, Hauck Franz J., Kassler Andreas J.

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0063 Downloaded: 2296 Clicked: 4240 Cited: 5 Commented: 0(p.63-69) <Full Text>

Fast mode decision algorithm for spatial resolutions down-scaling transcoding to H.264

Bu Jia-Jun, Mo Lin-Jian, Chen Chun, Yang Zhi

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0070 Downloaded: 2278 Clicked: 3273 Cited: 3 Commented: 0(p.70-75) <Full Text>

Resynchronization and remultiplexing for transcoding to H.264/AVC

Zhou Jin, Xiong Hong-Kai, Song Li, Yu Song-Yu

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0076 Downloaded: 2291 Clicked: 3546 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.76-81) <Full Text>

Video Coding, Rate Control, Video Quality

Channel adaptive rate control for energy optimization

Blanch Carolina, Pollin Sofie, Lafruit Gauthier, Eberle Wolfgang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0082 Downloaded: 2248 Clicked: 3823 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.82-88) <Full Text>

A new all-zero 4×4 block determination rule for integer transform and quantization in AVS-M encoder

Liu Dong-Hua, Chen Yi-Qiang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0089 Downloaded: 2189 Clicked: 3591 Cited: 1 Commented: 0(p.89-94) <Full Text>

A no-reference blocking artifact metric for B-DCT video

Yang Fu-Zheng, Wan Shuai, Chang Yi-Lin, Luo Zhong

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0095 Downloaded: 2239 Clicked: 3440 Cited: 1 Commented: 0(p.95-100) <Full Text>

Improved fast intra prediction algorithm of H.264/AVC

Liu Qiong, Hu Rui-Min, Zhu Li, Zhang Xin-Chen, Han Zhen

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0101 Downloaded: 2374 Clicked: 3488 Cited: 5 Commented: 0(p.101-105) <Full Text>

Video Streaming

Adaptive progressive download based on the MPEG-4 file format

Färber Nikolaus, Döhla Stefan, Issing Jochen

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0106 Downloaded: 2388 Clicked: 3168 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.106-111) <Full Text>

On optimal receiver buffer size in adaptive Internet video streaming

Ozbek Nukhet, Tunali E. Turhan

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0112 Downloaded: 2200 Clicked: 3251 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.112-118) <Full Text>

An optimal quality adaptation mechanism for end-to-end FGS video transmission

Feng Shun, Er Gui-Hua, Dai Qiong-Hai, Liu Ye-Bin

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0119 Downloaded: 2628 Clicked: 3538 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.119-124) <Full Text>

BulkTree: an overlay network architecture for live media streaming

Gong An, Ding Gui-Guang, Dai Qiong-Hai, Lin Chuang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0125 Downloaded: 2826 Clicked: 3947 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.125-130) <Full Text>

Evaluation of packet loss impairment on streaming video

Rui Hua-Xia, Li Chong-Rong, Qiu Sheng-Ke

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0131 Downloaded: 2392 Clicked: 4074 Cited: 5 Commented: 0(p.131-136) <Full Text>

Video Transmission over Wireless Channels

Coping with handover effects in video streaming over cellular networks

Bouazizi Imed, Hannuksela Miska M., Rauf Usama

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0137 Downloaded: 2252 Clicked: 3720 Cited: 0 Commented: 0(p.137-144) <Full Text>

Experimental evaluation of an on-demand multipath routing protocol for video transmission in mobile ad hoc networks

Taniyama Kenta, Morii Takeshi, Koizumi Shinya, Noguchi Kazuhiro, Kotani Yukihiro, Katto Jiro

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0145 Downloaded: 2240 Clicked: 4306 Cited: 1 Commented: 0(p.145-150) <Full Text>

Multi-user Motion JPEG2000 over wireless LAN: run-time performance-energy optimization with application-aware cross-layer scheduling

Ji Xin, Pollin Sofie, Lenoir Gregory, Lafruit Gauthier, Dejonghe Antoine, Catthoor Francky

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0151 Downloaded: 2473 Clicked: 4656 Cited: 2 Commented: 0(p.151-158) <Full Text>

Time allocation scheme in IEEE 802.15.3 TDMA mechanism

Liu Xin, Dai Qiong-Hai, Wu Qiu-Feng

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2006.AS0159 Downloaded: 2133 Clicked: 3934 Cited: 3 Commented: 0(p.159-164) <Full Text>

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