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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2021 Vol.4 No.4 P.689-716


Organoids: anovel modality indisease modeling

Author(s):  ZahraHeydari, FaridehMoeinvaziri, TarunAgarwal, PariaPooyan, AnastasiaShpichka, TapasK.Maiti, PeterTimashev, HosseinBaharvand, MassoudVosough

Affiliation(s):  Department ofStem Cells andDevelopmental Biology, Cell Science Research Center, Royan Institute forStem Cell Biology andTechnology, ACECR, Tehran14155-4364, Iran; more

Corresponding email(s):   timashev_p_s@staf.sechenov.ru, baharvand@Royaninstitute.org, masvos@Royaninstitute.org

Key Words:  Organoid, Germ layer, Disease modeling, Drug screening

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ZahraHeydari, FaridehMoeinvaziri, TarunAgarwal, PariaPooyan, AnastasiaShpichka, TapasK.Maiti, PeterTimashev, HosseinBaharvand, MassoudVosough. Organoids: anovel modality indisease modeling[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2021, 4(4): 689-716.

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%T Organoids: anovel modality indisease modeling
%A ZahraHeydari
%A FaridehMoeinvaziri
%A TarunAgarwal
%A PariaPooyan
%A AnastasiaShpichka
%A TapasK.Maiti
%A PeterTimashev
%A HosseinBaharvand
%A MassoudVosough
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE D
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%P 689-716
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1007/s42242-021-00150-7

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A1 - FaridehMoeinvaziri
A1 - TarunAgarwal
A1 - PariaPooyan
A1 - AnastasiaShpichka
A1 - TapasK.Maiti
A1 - PeterTimashev
A1 - HosseinBaharvand
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Limitations of monolayer culture conditions have motivated scientists to explore new models that can recapitulate the architecture and function of human organs more accurately. Recent advances in the improvement of protocols have resulted in establishing three-dimensional (3D) organ-like architectures called organoids that can display the characteristics of their corresponding real organs, including morphological features, functional activities, and personalized responses to specifc pathogens. We discuss diferent organoid-based 3D models herein, which are classifed based on their original germinal layer. Studies of organoids simulating the complexity of real tissues could provide novel platforms and opportunities for generating practical knowledge along with preclinical studies, including drug screening, toxicology, and molecular pathophysiology of diseases. This paper also outlines the key challenges, advantages, and prospects of current organoid systems.

莫斯科国立谢东诺夫第一医科大学Timashev等 | 类器官:疾病建模中的一种新模式


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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