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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2022 Vol.5 No.1 P.64-84


Emerging wearable flexible sensors for sweat analysis

Author(s):  Wenzheng Heng, Geng Yang, Woo Soo Kim & Kaichen Xu

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   yanggeng@zju.edu.cn, xukc@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Flexible electronics, Wearable sensors, Sweat sensors, Electrochemical analysis, Noninvasive health monitoring, Power supply

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Wenzheng Heng, Geng Yang, Woo Soo Kim & Kaichen Xu . Emerging wearable flexible sensors for sweat analysis[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2022, 5(1): 64-84.

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Sweat, as a biofluid with the potential for noninvasive collection, provides profound insights into human health conditions, because it contains various chemicals and information to be utilized for the monitoring of well-being, stress levels, exercise, and nutrition. Recently, wearable sweat sensors have been developed as a promising substitute to conventional laboratory sweat detection methods. Such sensors are promising to realize low-cost, real-time, in situ sweat measurements, and provide great opportunities for health status evaluation analysis based on personalized big data. This review first presents an overview of wearable sweat sensors from the perspective of basic components, including materials and structures for specific sensing applications and modalities. Current strategies and specific methods of the fabrication of wearable power management are also summarized. Finally, current challenges and future directions of wearable sweat sensors are discussed.

浙江大学杨赓、徐凯臣等 | 可穿戴式汗液分析柔性传感器


(文章作者包括美国加州理工大学博士生衡文正,加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学Woo Soo Kim教授,浙江大学杨赓、徐凯臣研究员)

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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