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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2023 Vol.6 No.4 P.478-506


The feasible application of microfluidic tissue/organ-on-a-chip as an impersonator of oral tissues and organs: a direction for future research

Author(s):  Nima Farshidfar, Sahar Assar, Mohammad Amin Amiri, Sarina Sahmeddini, Shahram Hamedani, Moein Zarei & Lobat Tayebi

Affiliation(s):  Orthodontic Research Center, School of Dentistry, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran; more

Corresponding email(s):   n.farshidfar@icloud.com, lobat.tayebi@marquette.edu, saharassar@yahoo.com, mamiri1378@yahoo.com, sarinasahmeddini@yahoo.com, shahramhamedani@yahoo.com, zm47832@zut.edu.pl

Key Words:  Microfluidics, Tissue-on-a-chip, Organ-on-a-chip, Tooth-on-a-chip, Oral mucosa-on-a-chip, Salivary gland-on-a-chip

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Nima Farshidfar, Sahar Assar, Mohammad Amin Amiri, Sarina Sahmeddini, Shahram Hamedani, Moein Zarei & Lobat Tayebi. The feasible application of microfluidic tissue/organ-on-a-chip as an impersonator of oral tissues and organs: a direction for future research[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2023, 6(4): 478-506.

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%A Nima Farshidfar
%A Sahar Assar
%A Mohammad Amin Amiri
%A Sarina Sahmeddini
%A Shahram Hamedani
%A Moein Zarei & Lobat Tayebi
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Currently, cell culture models play a key role in determining cell behavior under various conditions. However, the accurate simulation of cellular behavior that imitates the body’s conditions remains a challenge. Therefore, to overcome this obstacle, three-dimensional cell culture models have been developed. Microfluidic tissues/organs-on-chips (TOOCs) are new devices that have provided the opportunity to culture cells in a medium that is almost similar to the physiological conditions of the body. TOOCs can be designed in simple or complex models, which are mostly fabricated by soft lithography. These novel structures have been developed to mimic the conditions of various tissues and organs; however, microfluidic models for oral and dental tissues have not yet been widely used. The application of TOOCs for oral tissues/organs can provide the opportunity to study cell interactions with biomaterials used in dentistry. Furthermore, TOOCs can provide the opportunity to study the cellular interactions and developmental stages of oral tissues/organs more accurately. This review of the current advances in the field of TOOC development for oral tissues provides a comprehensive understanding of this burgeoning concept, shows the progress and applications of these novel models in the imitation of oral tissues/organs thus far, and reveals the limitations that TOOCs confront. Moreover, it suggests further perspectives for future applications.

伊朗Nima Farshidfar等 | 微流控组织器官芯片作为口腔组织和器官模仿器的可行应用:未来研究方向


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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