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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2017 Vol.18 No.8 P.617-630


Characteristics of interior noise of a Chinese high-speed train under a variety of conditions

Author(s):  Jie Zhang, Xin-biao Xiao, Xiao-zhen Sheng, Rong Fu, Dan Yao, Xue-song Jin

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China

Corresponding email(s):   shengxiaozhen@hotmail.com

Key Words:  High-speed train, Interior noise, Noise source identification, Contribution analysis, Various conditions, Noise characterization

Jie Zhang, Xin-biao Xiao, Xiao-zhen Sheng, Rong Fu, Dan Yao, Xue-song Jin. Characteristics of interior noise of a Chinese high-speed train under a variety of conditions[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2017, 18(8): 617-630.

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%T Characteristics of interior noise of a Chinese high-speed train under a variety of conditions
%A Jie Zhang
%A Xin-biao Xiao
%A Xiao-zhen Sheng
%A Rong Fu
%A Dan Yao
%A Xue-song Jin
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%N 8
%P 617-630
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%D 2017
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1600695

T1 - Characteristics of interior noise of a Chinese high-speed train under a variety of conditions
A1 - Jie Zhang
A1 - Xin-biao Xiao
A1 - Xiao-zhen Sheng
A1 - Rong Fu
A1 - Dan Yao
A1 - Xue-song Jin
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This paper presents an investigation into the characteristics of interior noise of a Chinese high-speed train under several typical conditions. interior noises within Vehicle TC01, which can be used as a head car or an end car, and Vehicle TP03, the third car counting from TC01, are measured for the train running at speeds from 260 km/h to 385 km/h, along two types of track including a slab track and a ballast track and either on the ground surface or in a tunnel. Data analyses are performed for sound pressure overall levels, frequency, area contributions, and possible generation mechanisms, showing how they are affected by train speed, running direction, track type, and tunnel. The results show that, whether TC01 is used as head car or end car, the interior noise characteristics in the VIP cabin are mostly related to aerodynamic noise. Differences in interior noise between tracks become smaller as the train speed increases. The effect of a tunnel on the interior noise is more important for the middle coach than that for the head coach. This study can provide a basis for noise control of high-speed trains.

The paper presents a very interesting problem, which is correctly introduced in the text, including the literature review of the problem. The measurement procedure is also correctly explained, including the identification of the different noise measurement points.


目的:研究高速列车在不同速度(260~385 km/h)、无砟和有砟轨道以及明线和隧道运行时的车内噪声特性,为高速列车车内减振降噪和车体低噪声设计提供科学依据。
方法:1. 根据不同的列车运行速度,分析车内噪声的变化规律;通过进一步对比头尾车运行时,不同测点位置的噪声总值、显著频率和声源贡献,研究气动作用对车内噪声的影响。2. 针对不同轨道型式,分析车内噪声的差异特性;通过进一步对比不同速度下的前、后转向架上方车内噪声测点(其中一个还位于受电弓下方)的噪声总值、显著频率和声源贡献,研究有砟和无砟轨道、弓网噪声对车内噪声的影响以及速度因素的作用。3. 对于隧道运行,分析不同速度下在明线和隧道运行时的车内噪声总值和显著频率,研究隧道混响对车内噪声的影响以及速度因素的作用。
结论:1. TC01车无论作为头车或尾车运行,车内观光区的噪声均主要受气动作用影响。2. 随着列车运行速度的提高,轨道型式的不同对车内噪声的影响有所降低。3. 隧道混响对中间车的影响要高于头车。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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