CLC number: TK229.6
On-line Access: 2024-08-27
Received: 2023-10-17
Revision Accepted: 2024-05-08
Crosschecked: 2018-03-07
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Yue-lan Wang, Zeng-yi Ma, Hai-hui You, Yi-jun Tang, Yue-liang Shen, Ming-jiang Ni, Yong Chi, Jian-hua Yan. Development of a NOx emission model with seven optimized input parameters for a coal-fired boiler[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2018, 19(4): 315-328.
@article{title="Development of a NOx emission model with seven optimized input parameters for a coal-fired boiler",
author="Yue-lan Wang, Zeng-yi Ma, Hai-hui You, Yi-jun Tang, Yue-liang Shen, Ming-jiang Ni, Yong Chi, Jian-hua Yan",
journal="Journal of Zhejiang University Science A",
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%0 Journal Article
%T Development of a NOx emission model with seven optimized input parameters for a coal-fired boiler
%A Yue-lan Wang
%A Zeng-yi Ma
%A Hai-hui You
%A Yi-jun Tang
%A Yue-liang Shen
%A Ming-jiang Ni
%A Yong Chi
%A Jian-hua Yan
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 19
%N 4
%P 315-328
%@ 1673-565X
%D 2018
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1600787
T1 - Development of a NOx emission model with seven optimized input parameters for a coal-fired boiler
A1 - Yue-lan Wang
A1 - Zeng-yi Ma
A1 - Hai-hui You
A1 - Yi-jun Tang
A1 - Yue-liang Shen
A1 - Ming-jiang Ni
A1 - Yong Chi
A1 - Jian-hua Yan
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science A
VL - 19
IS - 4
SP - 315
EP - 328
%@ 1673-565X
Y1 - 2018
PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
ER -
DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1600787
Abstract: Optimizing the operation of coal-fired power plants to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions requires accurate modeling of the NOx emission process. The careful selection of input parameters not only forms the basis of accurate modeling, but can also be used to reduce the complexity of the model. The present study employs the least squares support vector machine-supervised learning method to model NOx emissions based on historical real time data obtained from a 1000-MW once-through boiler. The initial input parameters are determined by expert knowledge and operational experience, while the final input parameters are obtained by sensitivity analysis, where the variation in model accuracy for a given set of data is analyzed as one or several input parameters are successively omitted from the calculations, while retaining all other parameters. Here, model accuracy is evaluated according to the mean relative error (MRE). This process reduces the parameters required for NOx emission modeling from an initial number of 33 to 7, while the corresponding MRE is reduced from 3.09% to 2.23%. Moreover, a correlation of 0.9566 between predicted and measured values was obtained by applying the model with just these seven input parameters to a validation dataset. As such, the proposed method for selecting input parameters serves as a reference for related studies.
This paperdescribes the selection procedure of input parameters in the prediction model for NOX emission in coal fired boiler plants. There are more than 33 variables that can be considered as input parameters in the NOx estimation model. Selection of appropriate input parameters is very complicated problem and has been received attention of many researchers. The authors propose a method of selection of most probable input parameters that can be used in the estimation successfully. I couldn't find any originality nor novelty in this paper, but the systematical selection procedure described in this paper deserves to attract attention of related engineers and researchers and may be very useful in the NOx estimation study.
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