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Xue-song JIN




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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2014 Vol.15 No.12 P.1002-1018


Influence of wheel polygonal wear on interior noise of high-speed trains*

Author(s):  Jie Zhang1, Guang-xu Han1, Xin-biao Xiao1, Rui-qian Wang2, Yue Zhao1, Xue-song Jin1

Affiliation(s):  1. State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   xsjin@home.swjtu.edu.cn

Key Words:  High-speed train, Wheel polygonal wear, Wheel re-profiling, Interior noise, Wheel/rail noise, Hybrid finite element method and the statistic energy analysis (FE-SEA)

Jie Zhang, Guang-xu Han, Xin-biao Xiao, Rui-qian Wang, Yue Zhao, Xue-song Jin. Influence of wheel polygonal wear on interior noise of high-speed trains[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2014, 15(12): 1002-1018.

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%T Influence of wheel polygonal wear on interior noise of high-speed trains
%A Jie Zhang
%A Guang-xu Han
%A Xin-biao Xiao
%A Rui-qian Wang
%A Yue Zhao
%A Xue-song Jin
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%N 12
%P 1002-1018
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1400233

T1 - Influence of wheel polygonal wear on interior noise of high-speed trains
A1 - Jie Zhang
A1 - Guang-xu Han
A1 - Xin-biao Xiao
A1 - Rui-qian Wang
A1 - Yue Zhao
A1 - Xue-song Jin
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This work presents a detailed investigation conducted into the relationships between wheel polygonal wear and wheel/rail noise, and the interior noise of high-speed trains through extensive experiments and numerical simulations. The field experiments include roundness measurement and characteristics analysis of the high-speed wheels in service, and analysis on the effect of re-profiling on the interior noise of the high-speed coach. The experimental analysis shows that wheel polygonal wear has a great impact on wheel/rail noise and interior noise. In the numerical simulation, the model of high-speed wheel/rail noise caused by the uneven wheel wear is developed by means of the high-speed wheel-track noise software (HWTNS). The calculation model of the interior noise of a high-speed coach is developed based on the hybrid of the finite element method and the statistic energy analysis (FE-SEA). The numerical simulation analyses the effect of the polygonal wear characteristics, such as roughness level, polygon order (or wavelength), and polygon phase, on wheel/rail noise and interior noise of a high-speed coach. The numerical results show that different polygon order with nearly the same roughness levels can cause different wheel/rail noises and interior noises. The polygon with a higher roughness level can cause a larger wheel/rail noise and a larger interior noise. The combination of different polygon phases can make a different wheel circle diameter difference due to wear, but its effect on the interior noise level is not great. This study can provide a basis for improving the criteria for high-speed wheel re-profiling of China’s high-speed trains.


研究高速列车车轮多边形特征对轮轨噪声和车内噪声的影响规律,讨论目前国内高速列车车轮镟修指标的不足,为高速列车车轮镟修方法的优化改进提供科学依据。 系统分析高速列车车轮多边形阶次、幅值和相位等参数对车内噪声的影响规律;提出车轮镟修中仅考虑车轮径跳作为限值是不够的。 1. 基于线路试验,初步分析高速列车车轮多边形状态对车内噪声的影响,进而对车轮多边形特征进行剖析;2. 基于带通滤波和快速傅里叶变换,使用MATLAB程序生成不同阶次、幅值和相位的车轮多边形粗糙度数据;3. 基于TWINS轮轨噪声原理,使用HWTNS预测含有不同车轮多边形特性的轮轨噪声;4. 基于混合有限元-统计能量分析(FE-SEA)方法,建立高速列车客室端部车内噪声预测模型,预测车内噪声;5. 通过分析车轮多边形参数、车轮径跳和车内噪声之间的相互关系,研究目前的高速列车车轮镟修指标是否合适。 1. 高速列车车轮径跳值相同,但车轮多边形状态不同时,轮轨噪声与车内噪声有明显差异;2. 当车轮多边形幅值相同时,高阶多边形可以引起更高的轮轨噪声和车内噪声;3. 改变车轮多边形的相位,可以获得不同的车轮径跳值,但是对轮轨噪声和车内噪声几乎没有影响。

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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