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Jing Yao


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2018 Vol.19 No.3 P.203-210


Independent volume-in and volume-out control of an open circuit pump-controlled asymmetric cylinder system

Author(s):  Jing Yao, Pei Wang, Xiao-ming Cao, Zhuo Wang

Affiliation(s):  The Laboratory of Heavy Machinery Fluid Power Transmission and Control in Hebei, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   jyao@ysu.edu.cn

Key Words:  Pump-controlled system, Asymmetric cylinder, Energy dissipation, Position-pressure combined control, Independent volume-in and volume-out (VIVO) control

Jing Yao, Pei Wang, Xiao-ming Cao, Zhuo Wang. Independent volume-in and volume-out control of an open circuit pump-controlled asymmetric cylinder system[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2018, 19(3): 203-210.

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%T Independent volume-in and volume-out control of an open circuit pump-controlled asymmetric cylinder system
%A Jing Yao
%A Pei Wang
%A Xiao-ming Cao
%A Zhuo Wang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 203-210
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1600780

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A1 - Pei Wang
A1 - Xiao-ming Cao
A1 - Zhuo Wang
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To avoid the flow asymmetry of a closed circuit pump-controlled asymmetric cylinder system, an efficient open circuit pump-controlled asymmetric cylinder system (OPACS) with an independent displacement volume-in and volume-out (VIVO) control method is proposed. The energy transmission path of the OPACS was analyzed, and an energy calculation model was built. A position-pressure combined control method was adopted to validate the proposed OPACS. Based on a 0.6-MN open circuit pump-controlled forging press system, a series of experiments with different return cylinder pressures were conducted. The experimental results confirmed that the proposed OPACS with the position-pressure combined control method was able to recover energy to reduce the installment power without sensitivity to the return cylinder’s pressure variation and that the position accuracy and rapidity could be improved by increasing the pressure in the return cylinder.

The manuscript presents a novel energy saving architecture of hydraulic system, Open Circuit Pump-controlled Asymmetric Cylinder System (OPACS). An independent displacement Volume-in and Volume-out (VIVO) control concept for OPACS was defined, and also was validated using a position-pressure compound control method by experiments.


创新点:1. 提出开式泵控非对称缸负载容腔独立控制系统,建立其能量传输模型; 2. 以压机为对象进行实验研究,采用位置压力负载容腔独立控制方法,获得其能耗与控制特性.
方法:1. 介绍开式泵控非对称缸负载容腔独立控制系统的构型; 2. 通过理论推导,建立能量传输模型,得到具有能量回收功能的系统;3. 通过实验研究和分析,验证所提系统和方法的有效性.
结论:1. 基于能量传输模型得到的系统具有较好的节能特性; 2. 开式泵控非对称缸负载容腔独立控制系统增加了系统控制自由度,验证了负载容腔独立控制方法的有效性; 3. 开式泵控非对称缸负载容腔独立控制系统采用无杆腔位置控制和有杆腔压力控制组合的控制方法;随着有杆腔压力的提高,在不增加系统能耗的前提下该方法改善了系统的位置控制精度.

关键词:泵控系统;非对称缸;能耗;位置压力组合控制; 负载容腔独立控制

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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