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Song-lin Liu


Liang Wang


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2021 Vol.22 No.5 P.396-406


Optimization of smoke exhaust efficiency under a lateral central exhaust ventilation mode in an extra-wide immersed tunnel

Author(s):  Song-lin Liu, Liang Wang, Ming-gao Yu, Yong-dong Jiang

Affiliation(s):  State Key Lab of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China

Corresponding email(s):   lw38c@cqu.edu.cn

Key Words:  Tunnel fire, Lateral central smoke exhaust, Supplementary exhaust duct, Large eddy simulation

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Song-lin Liu, Liang Wang, Ming-gao Yu, Yong-dong Jiang. Optimization of smoke exhaust efficiency under a lateral central exhaust ventilation mode in an extra-wide immersed tunnel[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2021, 22(5): 396-406.

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%T Optimization of smoke exhaust efficiency under a lateral central exhaust ventilation mode in an extra-wide immersed tunnel
%A Song-lin Liu
%A Liang Wang
%A Ming-gao Yu
%A Yong-dong Jiang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Song-lin Liu
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A1 - Ming-gao Yu
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This study focused on increasing the efficiency of the smoke exhaust system of an extra-wide (eight-lane, dual-directional) immersed tunnel with a specific quantity of exhaust. The Shenzhen–Zhongshan immersed tunnel was selected as the application example. A numerical simulation based on fire dynamics simulator was conducted. In the model, the concrete structure of the main body of the immersed tubes was not altered. The adoption of supplementary exhaust ducts increased the efficiency from 73% to 98% under the condition of no longitudinal wind. When a 50-MW fire occurred between two adjacent ducts, with a longitudinal wind velocity of 2 m/s, the efficiency reached 88% or more when the two ducts were opened. Furthermore, a safety evacuation path was developed. The results suggest that the addition of supplementary exhaust ducts combined with a rational longitudinal wind velocity is necessary for an extra-wide immersed tunnel.


方法:1. 选取深圳-中山沉管隧道为应用实例,对其进行基于火灾动力学模拟器(FDS)的数值模拟;2. 在模型中,在不改变沉管主体的混凝土结构以及无纵向风的条件下,采用辅助排烟管道,研究其排烟效率;3. 对比两种不同开口的排烟管道的排烟效率.
结论:1. 在无纵向风的情况下,采用辅助排烟管道可使排烟效率从73%提高到98%;2. 当相邻的两个辅助排烟管道之间发生50 MW火灾且纵向风速为2 m/s时,打开两个辅助排烟管道可使排烟效率达88%以上,保证了安全的疏散通道;3. 在超宽的沉管隧道中,增加辅助排烟管道并结合合理的纵向风速是必要的.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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