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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2014 Vol.15 No.10 P.888-899


Needle-free injection of insulin powder: delivery efficiency and skin irritation assessment*

Author(s):  Chun-yu Li1,2, Zhe-wei Wang2,5, Can Tu2,6, Jia-bo Wang2, Bing-qian Jiang2, Qi Li2,3, Ling-na Zeng2, Zhi-jie Ma3, Ping Zhang4, Yan-ling Zhao2, Ya-ming Zhang2, Dan Yan2, Rui Tan5, Xiao-he Xiao4

Affiliation(s):  1. School of Pharmacy, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu 610000, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   pharm_sci@126.com

Key Words:  Powder needleless injection, Insulin, Transdermal drug delivery, Skin irritation

Chun-yu Li, Zhe-wei Wang, Can Tu, Jia-bo Wang, Bing-qian Jiang, Qi Li, Ling-na Zeng, Zhi-jie Ma, Ping Zhang, Yan-ling Zhao, Ya-ming Zhang, Dan Yan, Rui Tan, Xiao-he Xiao. Needle-free injection of insulin powder: delivery efficiency and skin irritation assessment[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2014, 15(10): 888-899.

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%T Needle-free injection of insulin powder: delivery efficiency and skin irritation assessment
%A Chun-yu Li
%A Zhe-wei Wang
%A Can Tu
%A Jia-bo Wang
%A Bing-qian Jiang
%A Qi Li
%A Ling-na Zeng
%A Zhi-jie Ma
%A Ping Zhang
%A Yan-ling Zhao
%A Ya-ming Zhang
%A Dan Yan
%A Rui Tan
%A Xiao-he Xiao
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
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%P 888-899
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%D 2014
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.B1400065

T1 - Needle-free injection of insulin powder: delivery efficiency and skin irritation assessment
A1 - Chun-yu Li
A1 - Zhe-wei Wang
A1 - Can Tu
A1 - Jia-bo Wang
A1 - Bing-qian Jiang
A1 - Qi Li
A1 - Ling-na Zeng
A1 - Zhi-jie Ma
A1 - Ping Zhang
A1 - Yan-ling Zhao
A1 - Ya-ming Zhang
A1 - Dan Yan
A1 - Rui Tan
A1 - Xiao-he Xiao
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insulin is widely used in treating diabetes, but still needs to be administered by needle injection. This study investigated a new needle-free approach for insulin delivery. A portable powder needleless injection (PNI) device with an automatic mechanical unit was designed. Its efficiency in delivering insulin was evaluated in alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits. The skin irritation caused by the device was investigated and the results were analyzed in relation to aerodynamic parameters. Inorganic salt-carried insulin powders had hypoglycemic effects, while raw insulin powders were not effective when delivered by PNI, indicating that salt carriers play an important role in the delivery of insulin via PNI. The relative delivery efficiency of phosphate-carried insulin powder using the PNI device was 72.25%. A safety assessment test showed that three key factors (gas pressure, cylinder volume, and nozzle distance) were related to the amount of skin irritation caused by the PNI device. Optimized injection conditions caused minimal skin lesions and are safe to use in practice. The results suggest that PNI has promising prospects as a novel technology for delivering insulin and other biological drugs.



Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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