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Qing-biao Xu


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2015 Vol.16 No.6 P.503-510


Duodenum has the greatest potential to absorb soluble non-ammonia nitrogen in the nonmesenteric gastrointestinal tissues of dairy cows

Author(s):  Ying-ming Xie, Qing-biao Xu, Yue-ming Wu, Xin-bei Huang, Jian-xin Liu

Affiliation(s):  Institute of Dairy Science, MoE Key Laboratory of Molecular Animal Nutrition, College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China

Corresponding email(s):   ymwu@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Soluble non-ammonia nitrogen, Nonmesenteric gastrointestine, Transporters, Dairy cows

Ying-ming Xie, Qing-biao Xu, Yue-ming Wu, Xin-bei Huang, Jian-xin Liu. Duodenum has the greatest potential to absorb soluble non-ammonia nitrogen in the nonmesenteric gastrointestinal tissues of dairy cows[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2015, 16(6): 503-510.

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author="Ying-ming Xie, Qing-biao Xu, Yue-ming Wu, Xin-bei Huang, Jian-xin Liu",
journal="Journal of Zhejiang University Science B",
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%T Duodenum has the greatest potential to absorb soluble non-ammonia nitrogen in the nonmesenteric gastrointestinal tissues of dairy cows
%A Ying-ming Xie
%A Qing-biao Xu
%A Yue-ming Wu
%A Xin-bei Huang
%A Jian-xin Liu
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
%V 16
%N 6
%P 503-510
%@ 1673-1581
%D 2015
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.B1400299

T1 - Duodenum has the greatest potential to absorb soluble non-ammonia nitrogen in the nonmesenteric gastrointestinal tissues of dairy cows
A1 - Ying-ming Xie
A1 - Qing-biao Xu
A1 - Yue-ming Wu
A1 - Xin-bei Huang
A1 - Jian-xin Liu
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.B1400299

In cattle, dietary protein is gradually degraded into peptide-bound amino acids (PBAAs), free amino acids (FAAs), and ultimately into ammonia by the rumen microbes. Both PBAA and FAA are milk protein precursors, and the rumen and small intestines are the main sites where such precursors are produced and absorbed. This work was designed to investigate the expression of the peptide transporter PepT1 and the AA transporters ASCT2, y+LAT1, and ATB0,+, and the concentrations of PBAA, FAA, and soluble protein in the rumen, omasum, and duodenum of dairy cows. Tissues and digesta were collected from six healthy Chinese Holstein dairy cows immediately after the animals were slaughtered. The expression of transporters was analyzed by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The FAA concentration was assessed using an amino acid (AA) analyzer, PBAA concentration by quantification of AA before and after acid-hydrolysis by 6 mol/L HCl, and soluble protein concentration by quantification of the bicinchoninic acid content. The results showed that the relative abundance of mRNA of the transporters and the soluble non-ammonia nitrogen (SNAN) concentration of each fraction were greater in the duodenum than in the rumen or omasum. These results indicate that the duodenum is the predominant location within the nonmesenteric digestive tract for producing milk protein precursors. In addition, PBAA was the largest component of SNAN in the digesta from the rumen, omasum, and duodenum. In conclusion, the duodenum has the greatest concentrations of SNAN and PBAA, and the greatest potential for absorption of SNAN in the form of PBAA in the nonmesenteric gastrointestinal tissues of dairy cows.




Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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