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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2014 Vol.15 No.11 P.979-985


Vitreoscilla hemoglobin promotes Salecan production by Agrobacterium sp. ZX09*

Author(s):  Yun-mei Chen, Hai-yang Xu, Yang Wang, Jian-fa Zhang, Shi-ming Wang

Affiliation(s):  . Center for Molecular Metabolism, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing 210094, China

Corresponding email(s):   bioeng@mail.njust.edu.cn

Key Words:  Salecan, Vitreoscilla hemoglobin, Agrobacterium sp. ZX09, Invertase, Respiration rate

Yun-mei Chen, Hai-yang Xu, Yang Wang, Jian-fa Zhang, Shi-ming Wang. Vitreoscilla hemoglobin promotes Salecan production by Agrobacterium sp. ZX09[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2014, 15(11): 979-985.

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%T Vitreoscilla hemoglobin promotes Salecan production by Agrobacterium sp. ZX09
%A Yun-mei Chen
%A Hai-yang Xu
%A Yang Wang
%A Jian-fa Zhang
%A Shi-ming Wang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
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%N 11
%P 979-985
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%D 2014
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Yun-mei Chen
A1 - Hai-yang Xu
A1 - Yang Wang
A1 - Jian-fa Zhang
A1 - Shi-ming Wang
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salecan is a novel exopolysaccharide produced by the strain Agrobacterium sp. ZX09, and it is composed of only glucose monomers. The unique chemical composition and excellent physicochemical properties make salecan a promising material for applications in coagulation, lubrication, protection against acute liver injury, and alleviating constipation. In this study, we cloned the Vitreoscilla hemoglobin gene into a broad-host-range plasmid pCM158. Without antibiotic selection, there was negligible loss of the plasmid in the host Agrobacterium sp. ZX09 after one passage of cultivation. The expression of Vitreoscilla hemoglobin was demonstrated by carbon monoxide (CO) difference spectrum. The engineered strain Agrobacterium sp. ZX09 increased salecan yield by 30%. The other physiological changes included its elevated respiration rate and cellular invertase activity.


提高胞外多糖索拉胶的产量。 透明颤菌血红蛋白基因在质粒上表达,不加抗生素发酵生产索拉胶。 将透明颤菌血红蛋白基因构建到广谱质粒pCM158上得到重组质粒pCM158-vgb,重组质粒转入土壤杆菌ZX09中,使透明颤菌血红蛋白在土壤杆菌ZX09中表达。 在土壤杆菌ZX09中颤菌血红蛋白的表达解决了发酵过程中氧受限的问题,提高了宿主菌的呼吸速率、蔗糖酶活性和黏度,将发酵产物索拉胶的产量提高了30%。

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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