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On-line Access: 2024-08-27
Received: 2023-10-17
Revision Accepted: 2024-05-08
Crosschecked: 2019-03-14
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M. E. Alemn-Domnguez, Z. Ortega, A. N. Bentez, Mario Monzn, L. V. Garzn, Sara Ajami, Chaozong Liu. Polycaprolactonecarboxymethyl cellulose composites for manufacturing porous scaffolds by material extrusion[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2018, 1(4): 245-253.
@article{title="Polycaprolactonecarboxymethyl cellulose composites for manufacturing porous scaffolds by material extrusion",
author="M. E. Alemn-Domnguez, Z. Ortega, A. N. Bentez, Mario Monzn, L. V. Garzn, Sara Ajami, Chaozong Liu",
journal="Journal of Zhejiang University Science D",
publisher="Zhejiang University Press & Springer",
%0 Journal Article
%T Polycaprolactonecarboxymethyl cellulose composites for manufacturing porous scaffolds by material extrusion
%A M. E. Alemn-Domnguez
%A Z. Ortega
%A A. N. Bentez
%A Mario Monzn
%A L. V. Garzn
%A Sara Ajami
%A Chaozong Liu
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE D
%V 1
%N 4
%P 245-253
%@ 1869-1951
%D 2018
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1007/s42242-018-0024-z
T1 - Polycaprolactonecarboxymethyl cellulose composites for manufacturing porous scaffolds by material extrusion
A1 - M. E. Alemn-Domnguez
A1 - Z. Ortega
A1 - A. N. Bentez
A1 - Mario Monzn
A1 - L. V. Garzn
A1 - Sara Ajami
A1 - Chaozong Liu
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science D
VL - 1
IS - 4
SP - 245
EP - 253
%@ 1869-1951
Y1 - 2018
PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
ER -
DOI - 10.1007/s42242-018-0024-z
Abstract: Polycaprolactonecarboxymethyl cellulose composites have been obtained and used to print porous structures by material extrusion.Thematerialsusedcontained0,2and5%w/wofthecarboxymethylcelluloseadditive.Thesestructureshavebeen analyzed in terms of their morphology (including the evaluation of their porosity), mechanical properties under compression loadandcellaf?nity.Cellaf?nityhasbeenevaluatedbyculturingsheepmesenchymalstemcellsandanalyzingtheirviability bytheAlamarBlue assayatdays1,3,6and8.Theresultsshowthatcompositessampleshavesimilarvaluesofporosityand apparent density than pure polycaprolactone ones. However, samples containing 5% w/w of carboxymethyl cellulose have micropores on the ?laments due to a hindered deposition process. This characteristic affects the mechanical properties of the structures,sotheseoneshaveameancompressionmodulussigni?cantlylowerthanpurepolycaprolactonescaffolds.However, the samples containing 2% w/w of carboxymethyl cellulose show no signi?cant difference with the pure polycaprolactone onesintermsoftheirmechanicalproperties.Moreover,thepresenceof2%w/wofadditiveimprovescellproliferationonthe surface of the porous structures. As complementary information, the ?ow properties of the composite materials were studied and the power law equations at 210 C obtained, as this temperature was the 3D printing temperature. These equations can be useful for simulation and designing purposes of other manufacturing processes.
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