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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2024 Vol.7 No.1 P.74-87


Customized scafolds forlarge bone defects using 3D?printed modular blocks from2D?medical images

Author(s):  Anil A. Acar, Evangelos Daskalakis, Paulo Bartolo, Andrew Weightman, Glen Cooper, Gordon Blunn & Bahattin Koc

Affiliation(s):  Faculty ofEngineering andNatural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul34956, Trkiye; more

Corresponding email(s):   bahattin.koc@sabanciuniv.edu

Key Words:  Additive manufacturing, Modular scafolds, Large bone defect, Customized scafold design, Patient-specifc scafolds

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Anil A. Acar, Evangelos Daskalakis, Paulo Bartolo, Andrew Weightman, Glen Cooper, Gordon Blunn & Bahattin Koc. Customized scafolds forlarge bone defects using 3D?printed modular blocks from2D?medical images[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2024, 7(1): 74-87.

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journal="Journal of Zhejiang University Science D",
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%T Customized scafolds forlarge bone defects using 3D?printed modular blocks from2D?medical images
%A Anil A. Acar
%A Evangelos Daskalakis
%A Paulo Bartolo
%A Andrew Weightman
%A Glen Cooper
%A Gordon Blunn & Bahattin Koc
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE D
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%P 74-87
%@ 1869-1951
%D 2024
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1007/s42242-023-00259-x

T1 - Customized scafolds forlarge bone defects using 3D?printed modular blocks from2D?medical images
A1 - Anil A. Acar
A1 - Evangelos Daskalakis
A1 - Paulo Bartolo
A1 - Andrew Weightman
A1 - Glen Cooper
A1 - Gordon Blunn & Bahattin Koc
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science D
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DOI - 10.1007/s42242-023-00259-x

additive manufacturing (AM) has revolutionized the design and manufacturing of patient-specifc, three-dimensional (3D), complex porous structures known as scafolds for tissue engineering applications. The use of advanced image acquisition techniques, image processing, and computer-aided design methods has enabled the precise design and additive manufacturing of anatomically correct and patient-specifc implants and scafolds. However, these sophisticated techniques can be timeconsuming, labor-intensive, and expensive. Moreover, the necessary imaging and manufacturing equipment may not be readily available when urgent treatment is needed for trauma patients. In this study, a novel design and AM methods are proposed for the development of modular and customizable scafold blocks that can be adapted to ft the bone defect area of a patient. These modular scafold blocks can be combined to quickly form any patient-specifc scafold directly from two-dimensional (2D) medical images when the surgeon lacks access to a 3D printer or cannot wait for lengthy 3D imaging, modeling, and 3D printing during surgery. The proposed method begins with developing a bone surface-modeling algorithm that reconstructs a model of the patients bone from 2D medical image measurements without the need for expensive 3D medical imaging or segmentation. This algorithm can generate both patient-specifc and average bone models. Additionally, a biomimetic continuous path planning method is developed for the additive manufacturing of scafolds, allowing porous scafold blocks with the desired biomechanical properties to be manufactured directly from 2D data or images. The algorithms are implemented, and the designed scafold blocks are 3D printed using an extrusion-based AM process. Guidelines and instructions are also provided to assist surgeons in assembling scafold blocks for the self-repair of patient-specifc large bone defects.

萨班哲大学Bahattin Koc等 | 使用2D医学影像进行3D打印模块化定制大骨缺损支架


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