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Xin Liu


Wen-hua Chen


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2020 Vol.21 No.1 P.72-96


Energy-efficient power amplifiers and linearization techniques for massive MIMO transmitters: a review

Author(s):  Xin Liu, Guan-sheng Lv, De-han Wang, Wen-hua Chen, Fadhel M. Ghannouchi

Affiliation(s):  Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   chenwh@tsinghua.edu.cn

Key Words:  Energy-efficient, Linearization, Massive multiple input multiple output (mMIMO), Monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), Power amplifier

Xin Liu, Guan-sheng Lv, De-han Wang, Wen-hua Chen, Fadhel M. Ghannouchi. Energy-efficient power amplifiers and linearization techniques for massive MIMO transmitters: a review[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2020, 21(1): 72-96.

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%T Energy-efficient power amplifiers and linearization techniques for massive MIMO transmitters: a review
%A Xin Liu
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%A Wen-hua Chen
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A1 - De-han Wang
A1 - Wen-hua Chen
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Highly efficient power amplifiers (PAs) and associated linearization techniques have been developed to accommodate the explosive growth in the data transmission rate and application of massive multiple input multiple output (mMIMO) systems. In this paper, energy-efficient integrated Doherty PA monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) and linearization techniques are reviewed for both the sub-6 GHz and millimeter-wave (mm-Wave) fifth-generation (5G) mMIMO systems; different semiconductor processes and architectures are compared and analyzed. Since the 5G protocols have not yet been finalized and PA specifications for mMIMO are still under consideration, it is worth investigating novel design methods to further improve their efficiency and linearity performance. Digital predistortion techniques need to evolve to be adapted in mMIMO systems, and some creative linearity enhancement techniques are needed to simultaneously improve the compensation accuracy and reduce the power consumption.


刘昕1,吕关胜1,王德涵1,陈文华1,Fadhel M. GHANNOUCHI1,2

摘要:为适应数据传输速率的爆炸性增长以及大规模多输入多输出(mMIMO)技术的应用,业界开发了高效率功率放大器(PA)和相关线性化技术。本文根据5G系统的两个核心频段—sub-6 GHz和毫米波(mmWave)—的特点,对高效率集成化的Doherty功放单片微波集成电路(MMIC)和线性化技术进行了综述,比较和分析了不同半导体工艺和架构下的高效功放设计思路。由于5G协议尚未最终确定,大规模MIMO系统中的功放规范仍在考虑中,有必要研究新的设计方法以进一步提高其效率和线性性能。此外,数字预失真线性化技术需要发展,以适应大规模MIMO系统,并且需要一些创新的线性增强技术来同时提高补偿精度和降低功耗。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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