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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2014 Vol.15 No.8 P.573-592


Significance of physicochemical and uptake kinetics in controlling the toxicity of metallic nanomaterials to aquatic organisms

Author(s):  Jian Wang, Wen-xiong Wang

Affiliation(s):  Division of Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clearwater Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

Corresponding email(s):   wwang@ust.hk

Key Words:  Metallic-based nanomaterials (MNs), Dissolution, Kinetics, Aquatic organisms, Toxicity

Jian Wang, Wen-xiong Wang. Significance of physicochemical and uptake kinetics in controlling the toxicity of metallic nanomaterials to aquatic organisms[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2014, 15(8): 573-592.

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With the extensive applications of metallic-based nanomaterials (MNs), concerns are growing of their potential impact on aquatic organisms. Unlike traditional metal pollutants, MNs have different surface properties and compositions, which may modify their impact on aquatic environments as well as their bioavailability to aquatic organisms. Kinetic processes of MNs, such as dissolution, stabilization, aggregation, and sedimentation, are important in determining their bioavailability and subsequent toxicity to aquatic organisms. Among all of the physicochemical kinetics, the dissolution of MNs attracts the most attention, due to their potential toxicity generated by dissolved ions. This review summarizes the dissolution behavior of three common MNs, i.e., ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs), Ag nanoparticles (Ag-NPs), and TiO2 nanoparticles (TiO2-NPs), in toxicological studies. A kinetic model was developed to evaluate the contribution of dissolved ion on the total MN accumulation. Finally, toxicological data of the MNs to algae, zooplankton, and fish are summarized and interpreted based on their kinetics. Different dissolution rates were observed for ZnO-NPs, Ag-NPs, and TiO2-NPs, and their solubility also varied during different toxicological studies, leading to a variable but increasing waterborne ion concentration during exposure. The bioavailability of these MNs and corresponding ions also varied for different aquatic organisms (e.g., algae, zooplankton, and fish). Specifically, the MNs appeared to be more bioavailable to daphnids, rendering a minor contribution of ion during short-term exposure. Generally, dissolved ion contributed partially to toxicity of ZnO-NPs and Ag-NPs, while the toxicity of TiO2-NPs was mainly due to the generated reactive oxygen species (ROS). Additionally, the role of dissolved ion in both MN bioaccumulation and toxicity intensified during chronic exposure as a result of dissolution, thus it is critical to monitor the dissolution of MNs in toxicological studies. This review emphasizes the importance of integrating physicochemical kinetics and uptake kinetics in evaluating the bioavailability and toxicity of both MNs and dissolved ions.



Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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