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Hai-dong Shen


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2019 Vol.20 No.12 P.893-907


Control-oriented low-speed dynamic modeling and trade-off analysis of air-breathing aerospace vehicles

Author(s):  Hai-dong Shen, Rui Cao, Yan-bin Liu, Fei-teng Jin, Yu-ping Lu

Affiliation(s):  College of Astronautics, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   shenhaidong@nuaa.edu.cn, liuyb@nuaa.edu.cn

Key Words:  Control-oriented modeling, Horizontal take-off and horizontal landing (HTHL), Stability and control analysis, Trade-off study

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Hai-dong Shen, Rui Cao, Yan-bin Liu, Fei-teng Jin, Yu-ping Lu. Control-oriented low-speed dynamic modeling and trade-off analysis of air-breathing aerospace vehicles[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2019, 20(12): 893-907.

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%A Hai-dong Shen
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%A Yan-bin Liu
%A Fei-teng Jin
%A Yu-ping Lu
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We present a control-oriented low-speed dynamic modeling and trade-off study framework for a conceptual air-breathing horizontal take-off and horizontal landing (HTHL) aerospace vehicle, which is powered by a turbinebased combined cycle engine. First, the 3D class/shape transformation method is modified to enhance the continuity property between different blocks, combined with the power function. Then, the panel method based on potential theory is employed to calculate the pressure distribution over discretized panel surfaces, resulting in the aerospace vehicle’s aerodynamic coefficients. To overcome the intractability of the physics-based model, stepwise regression analysis is adopted and simplified polynomials of aerodynamic coefficients are evaluated. Finally, stability and control analysis is conducted, aiming to find the proper center-of-gravity locations under different constraints. The proposed framework is verified through a conceptual aerospace vehicle simulation, with emphasis on horizontal take-off rotation and landing nose hold-off capabilities. Simulation results indicate that the proposed framework is capable of rapid control-oriented dynamic modeling and iterative design of HTHL aerospace vehicles.

The manuscript that you present is well structured and contextualizes your work in an appropriate fashion. The discussion is clear and concise yet, at the same time, achieves to inform the reader about the complexity and amount of work put in place to carry out this research.


目的:水平起降空天飞行器需兼顾高速巡航和低速起降性能. 本文旨在构建一种面向控制的空天飞行器低速段动力学建模与迭代分析流程,探究质心位置对空天飞行器稳定性及控制性能的影响,并在保证空天飞行器水平起降能力的约束下,迭代获得合理的飞行器质心位置.
创新点:1. 结合几何外形参数化方法、势流理论和0维混合排气涡扇发动机建模方法实现空天飞行器低速段气动/推进性能数据的快速获取; 2. 基于所获得的气动/推进性能数据,开展代理建模研究,获得适用于性能分析及控制器设计需要的气动力/力矩系数代理模型; 3. 基于可变质心的气动力/力矩系数代理模型进行空天飞行器水平起降性能分析及质心位置迭代设计.
方法:1. 通过形状/类型函数法建立空天飞行器几何参数化模型; 2. 基于势流理论和0维涡扇发动机理论快速获取空天飞行器低速段气动/推进性能数据; 3. 通过代理模型技术,获得不同质心位置下的飞行器气动力/力矩系数拟合表达式,并基于该表达式确定符合水平起降约束的质心位置.
结论:1. 空天飞行器研究中,需综合考虑高低速性能,并协调水平起降、稳定性和控制性能等多方面指标; 2. 本文所提出的空天飞行器概念方案,满足抬头、触地约束的质心范围在距机头65%机身长度处; 3. 本文所提出的面向控制建模与性能分析流程可以满足空天飞行器概念方案阶段数据快速获取、方案快速迭代优化的要求.

关键词:面向控制建模; 水平起降; 稳定性与控制分析; 性能折衷分析

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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