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Yuting LU


Huayi LIU


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2022 Vol.23 No.1 P.1-18


A comprehensive update: gastrointestinal microflora, gastric cancer and gastric premalignant condition, and intervention by traditional Chinese medicine

Author(s):  Yuting LU, Huayi LIU, Kuo YANG, Yijia MAO, Lingkai MENG, Liu YANG, Guangze OUYANG, Wenjie LIU

Affiliation(s):  Graduate School, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301608, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   15900369830@163.com

Key Words:  Gastric cancer (GC), Gastric premalignant condition (GPC), Precancerous lesion of gastric cancer (PLGC), Gastrointestinal microflora, Intervention by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

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Yuting LU, Huayi LIU, Kuo YANG, Yijia MAO, Lingkai MENG, Liu YANG, Guangze OUYANG, Wenjie LIU. A comprehensive update: gastrointestinal microflora, gastric cancer and gastric premalignant condition, and intervention by traditional Chinese medicine[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2022, 23(1): 1-18.

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With the recent upsurge of studies in the field of microbiology, we have learned more about the complexity of the gastrointestinal microecosystem. More than 30 genera and 1000 species of gastrointestinal microflora have been found. The structure of the normal microflora is relatively stable, and is in an interdependent and restricted dynamic equilibrium with the body. In recent years, studies have shown that there is a potential relationship between gastrointestinal microflora imbalance and gastric cancer (GC) and precancerous lesions. So, restoring the balance of gastrointestinal microflora is of great significance. Moreover, intervention in gastric premalignant condition (GPC), also known as precancerous lesion of gastric cancer (PLGC), has been the focus of current clinical studies. The holistic view of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is consistent with the microecology concept, and oral TCM can play a two-way regulatory role directly with the microflora in the digestive tract, restoring the homeostasis of gastrointestinal microflora to prevent canceration. However, large gaps in knowledge remain to be addressed. This review aims to provide new ideas and a reference for clinical practice.




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