Current Issue: <JZUS-B>


Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B (Biomedicine & Biotechnology)

ISSNs 1673-1581 (Print); 1862-1783 (Online); CN 33-1356/Q; started in 2005,Monthly.

JZUS-B is an international "Biomedicine & Biotechnology" reviewed-Journal indexed by SCI-E, MEDLINE, PMC, BA, BIOSIS Previews, JST, ZR, CA, SA, AJ, ZM, CABI, CSA, etc., and supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. It mainly covers research in Biomedicine, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, etc.

Impact factor: 1.099 (2011), 1.108 (2012), 1.293 (2013), 1.278 (2014), 1.303 (2015), 1.676 (2016), 1.815 (2017), 1.879 (2018).

Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B

ISSN 1673-1581(Print), 1862-1783(Online), Monthly

<<<                         CONTENTS                         >>>


Study on the expression and mutation of human telomeric repeat binding factor (hTRF1) in 10 malignant hematopoietic cell lines

SUN Jie, HUANG He, ZHU Yuan-yuan, LAN Jian-ping, LI Jing-yuan, LAI Xiao-yu, YU Jian

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1141 Downloaded: 3322 Clicked: 6845 Cited: 1 Commented: 0(p.1141-1147) <Full Text>

Determination of theophylline concentration in serum by chemiluminescent immunoassay

ZHOU Mei-xia, GUAN Cha-ying, CHEN Guang, XIE Xin-you, WU Sheng-hai

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1148 Downloaded: 2810 Clicked: 5805 Cited: 7 Commented: 0(p.1148-1152) <Full Text>

Segmental radiofrequency ablation of pulmonary vein ostia for patients with refractory paroxysmal atrial fibrillation using multi-slice spiral computed tomography guidance

JIANG Chen-yang, WANG Jian-an, HE Hong, SUN Yong, ZHOU Bin-quan

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1153 Downloaded: 3091 Clicked: 6010 Cited: 1 Commented: 0(p.1153-1156) <Full Text>

Validation of the use of foreign gas rebreathing method for non-invasive determination of cardiac output in heart disease patients

DONG Liang, WANG Jian-an, JIANG Chen-yang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1157 Downloaded: 3312 Clicked: 7330 Cited: 19 Commented: 0(p.1157-1162) <Full Text>

Prognostic significance of bcl-2 and p53 expression in colorectal carcinoma

ZHAO Dan-ping, DING Xiao-wen, PENG Jia-ping, ZHENG Yi-xiong, ZHANG Su-zhan

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1163 Downloaded: 3394 Clicked: 7004 Cited: 22 Commented: 0(p.1163-1169) <Full Text>

Evaluation of ST13 gene expression in colorectal cancer patients

DONG Qing-hua, ZHENG Shu, HU Yue, CHEN Gong-xing, DING Jia-yi

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1170 Downloaded: 3108 Clicked: 7288 Cited: 4 Commented: 0(p.1170-1175) <Full Text>

Phenotypic and functional characteristics of dendritic cells derived from human peripheral blood monocytes

TANG Ling-ling, ZHANG Zhe, ZHENG Jie-sheng, SHENG Ji-fang, LIU Ke-zhou

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1176 Downloaded: 3221 Clicked: 6826 Cited: 9 Commented: 0(p.1176-1181) <Full Text>

Clinical features of chronic hepatitis B patients with YMDD mutation after lamivudine therapy

LIU Ke-zhou, HOU Wei, ZUMBIKA Edward, NI Qin

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1182 Downloaded: 3429 Clicked: 7498 Cited: 5 Commented: 0(p.1182-1187) <Full Text>

Infusion of nonmyeloablative bone marrow alleviates acute rejection reaction in liver allotransplantation

XIE Hai-yang, HUANG Dong-sheng, JIA Chang-ku, ZHENG Shu-sen

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1188 Downloaded: 2932 Clicked: 6645 Cited: 2 Commented: 0(p.1188-1194) <Full Text>

Comparison of low-molecular-weight-heparin and unfractionated heparin for acute PTE

CHEN Li-ying, YING Ke-jing, HONG Wu-jun, ZHOU Pan

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1195 Downloaded: 3079 Clicked: 7134 Cited: 6 Commented: 0(p.1195-1199) <Full Text>

Investigation of iodine concentration in salt, water and soil along the coast of Zhejiang, China

LU Ying-li, WANG Ning-jian, ZHU Lan, WANG Guo-xing, WU Hui, KUANG Lin, ZHU Wen-ming

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1200 Downloaded: 3308 Clicked: 10136 Cited: 10 Commented: 1(p.1200-1205) <Full Text>

Treatment and follow-up of children with transient congenital hypothyroidism

YANG Ru-lai, ZHU Zhi-wei, ZHOU Xue-lian, ZHAO Zheng-yan

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1206 Downloaded: 2870 Clicked: 7154 Cited: 10 Commented: 0(p.1206-1209) <Full Text>

A novel technique of three-dimensional reconstruction segmentation and analysis for sliced images of biological tissues

LI Jing, ZHAO Hai-yan, RUAN Xing-yun, XU Yong-qing, MENG Wei-zheng, LI Kun-peng, ZHANG Jing-qiang

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1210 Downloaded: 3135 Clicked: 6506 Cited: 6 Commented: 0(p.1210-1212) <Full Text>

Study on EEG power and coherence in patients with mild cognitive impairment during working memory task

JIANG Zheng-yan

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1213 Downloaded: 3151 Clicked: 7955 Cited: 31 Commented: 2(p.1213-1219) <Full Text>

Sensory exotropia subsequent to senile cataract

LOU Ding-hua, XU Ye-sheng, LI Yu-min

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1220 Downloaded: 3021 Clicked: 5874 Cited: 6 Commented: 0(p.1220-1222) <Full Text>

Report – 21st century medical genetic and genomic medicine in China

HUANG Taosheng, QI Ming

DOI: 10.1631/jzus.2005.B1223 Downloaded: 3154 Clicked: 9401 Cited: 1 Commented: 0(p.1223-1226) <Full Text>

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