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Received: 2023-10-17
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Deng-ke ZHAO, He-qi XU, Jun YIN, Hua-yong YANG. Inkjet 3D bioprinting for tissue engineering and pharmaceutics[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2022, 23(12): 955-973.
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Abstract: 3D bioprinting has the capability to create 3D cellular constructs with the desired shape using a layer-by-layer approach. inkjet 3D bioprinting, as a key component of 3D bioprinting, relies on the deposition of cell-laden droplets to create native-like tissues/organs which are envisioned to be transplantable into human body for replacing damaged ones. Benefiting from its superiorities such as high printing resolution and deposition accuracy, inkjet 3D bioprinting has been widely applied to various areas, including, but not limited to, tissue engineering and drug screening in pharmaceutics. Even though inkjet 3D bioprinting has proved its feasibility and versatility in various fields, the current applications of inkjet 3D bioprinting are still limited by the printing technique and material selection. This review, which specifically focuses on inkjet 3D bioprinting, firstly summarizes the techniques, materials, and applications of inkjet 3D bioprinting in tissue engineering and drug screening, subsequently discusses the major challenges that inkjet 3D bioprinting is facing, and lastly summarizes potential solutions to those challenges.
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